As you know, the Faulkner County Museum is currently closed for unexpected repairs to its flat roof, which was found to have sprung a leak, dripping water into the masonry and causing mold to grow in a storage room. County officials, who were preparing for a major interior renovation project over several years, temporarily closed the building on August 15 to clean up the mold and repair the leaky roof — but the Museum is forging ahead with its fundraising projects anyway.
“We’re selling the ornaments to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Museum, which will be next year, 2017,” said Lynita Langley-Ware, Museum Director. The three-dimensional brass memorial ornament of the front of the Museum sells for $15 ($19 if shipped). The Museum is also offering commemorative bricks that will be placed in front of the Museum when all the planned renovations are finished.
Patrons can buy ornaments or bricks at the Museum’s November 5 outdoor Open House or by contacting Langley-Ware at 501-329-5918. Ornaments are $15 each (cash, check, or debit/credit card) in person, or add $4 for shipping if mailed. Commemorative bricks sell for $100 each and can be etched with up to three lines.