100 YEARS AGO, 1917
♦ The First Presbyterian Church has made plans to build a manse for their pastor and his wife, the Rev. and Mrs. J.W. Boyer. The home will probably be built on the church lots on Caldwell and Faulkner streets.
75 YEARS AGO, 1942
Col. Albert L. Sneed, native of Conway, has been promoted to commanding officer of the Southeast air corps training center, it was announced in an Associated Press dispatch last night. Colonel Sneed has been in command of the Maxfield field army aviation school in Alabama. Receiving his appointment from Arkansas, he graduated from West Point in 1908 and has seen service in all parts of the world, specializing in aviation.
50YEARS AGO, 1967
A Brownie investiture was held in early December at the Ellen Smith Elementary School cafetorium. After the ceremony punch and cookies were served to visiting mothers. Leaders of the troop are Mrs. Arthur Aist, Mrs. Dick Hendrickson and Mrs. Jack Logan