General Membership is $35 per year, and runs from January to December. General Membership is designed for individuals or a family living at one address. This membership category includes the spring and fall issues of the Faulkner Facts and Fiddlings journal.
Join Today With Your Credit Card or PayPal Account: *

a family at the same address

When you check out, we ask for your physical address so that we can mail your issues of Faulkner Facts and Fiddlings and other publications that may be part of your membership.
PLEASE NOTE: Prices are U.S. dollars and PayPal processes all our payments, so PayPal is responsible for exchange rates for foreign purchases. We will ship your items once your payment has cleared.
Because the Faulkner County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) organization, dues are tax deductible.
* You can also physically mail a note with a check made payable to FCHS. Be sure to include your name, address, and email address, and in the “for” line, note “membership”. Mail to
PO Box 731
Conway AR 72033