Author Archives: Dilynn Boyd

Girl Scouts: “Looking Back”

Reprinted here by special permission of the author, Cindy Beckman, a retired Conway High School history teacher who writes local history.

One of the highlights of childhood in Faulkner County was participating in scouting. It allowed us to get outdoors, be with our friends and learn some really interesting things. This week’s article is about the Girl Scouts while next week’s article will be about the Boy Scouts.

The first Girl Scout troop in Faulkner County is thought to have been organized in 1920 by Margaret Gruber Goodin, an English teacher Continue reading

What’s New: “Looking Back”

Reprinted here by special permission of the author, Cindy Beckman, a retired Conway High School history teacher who writes local history.

Getting a clear answer to this question is much more difficult than it used to be. In the past, most Faulkner County residents could pretty much get their local news by reading the Log Cabin Democrat or listening to the local radio stations. And when the Log Cabin Weekly edition was published, you could find out what was going on in the various communities too.

State and national news were a little more Continue reading