Author Archives: Dilynn Boyd

Seeing a Show: “Looking Back”

In the 1960s, goin’ to the movies meant going to the Conway Theater on Front Street or going to the 65 Drive-in. The drive-in was south of town across from Ward Bus factory. The Conway Theater was located on Front Street between Clarence Day’s Store and Smith Ford.

The first movie I remember going to see at the Conway Theater with the family was the original “True Grit” with John Wayne. But what I remember the most Continue reading

Spanish Flu 1918: “Looking Back”

The 1918 Spanish Flu was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was called the “Spanish Flu,” not because it originated in Spain, but because this neutral nation freely reported the news of the flu while the countries involved in the war kept quiet about the severity and spread of the disease to keep up public morale and not reveal illness among the soldiers during wartime.

We now know the flu was caused by the H1N1 virus with genes of avian (bird) origin. First identified in military personnel in the spring Continue reading

Through the Cabin Window – November, 2018

100 YEARS AGO, 1918

♦ HUNS SIGN DRASTIC TERMS TO END WAR was the headline. The Armistice between the Allies and Germany had been signed, it was officially announced by the state department. Hostilities ceased at 11 a.m.

With not a pound of explosives to be found in the county, B.F. King and a party motored to Little Rock to get a supply of powder with which Conway would continue the noisy celebration Continue reading